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Get Your Turkey Neck in Check

By October 1, 2022January 3rd, 2025No Comments
Get Your Turkey Neck in Check

All it takes is one look at a turkey to understand what a turkey neck is — that “not so attractive” bulge under the chin which makes the jawline less defined and the face more full looking..  Luckily we offer two great treatments that effectively tackle turkey necks and double chins.

At Aesthetic Assets, Pam Andow, Stacey Molina, and the rest of our experienced cosmetic team, provide aesthetic solutions that have you covered from head to toe. If your turkey neck is the target, read on to learn more about our Kybella® and CoolSculpting® Elite solutions.

Behind your turkey neck

Technically, the area under your chin and at the top of your neck is called your submental area. When the tissue under your chin and around your neck begins to sag and gather fat, it can lead to a double chin or turkey neck.

The primary culprit behind a turkey neck is aging — your tissues lose collagen and muscle support and fat begins to migrate, often collecting underneath your chin in tissue that sags down. It can also be a result of weight gain.

Tackling your turkey neck with Kybella

To restore definition between your neck and your head, we offer the only FDA-approved injectable for the double chin — Kybella. The primary ingredient in this injectable is synthetic deoxycholic acid, which destroys fat cells in your submental area.

Once these fat cells are destroyed, your body flushes them out, leaving you with an improved contour between your face and neck.

Depending on the extent of the fat in your submental area, you may need a series of 2-6 treatments. Over the course of your treatments, you’ll realize gradual results as the Kybella goes to work to eliminate fat cells. Your patience will be rewarded, however, as a new and improved profile emerges.

Recontouring with CoolSculpting Elite

Since submental fat is one of the primary causes of a double chin, we’re excited to report that our revolutionary fat-reduction technology — CoolSculpting Elite — is cleared by the FDA to reduce fat under your jawline and under your chin. 

With CoolSculpting, we deliver cooling energy directly into the fat cells under your chin. This energy freezes and destroys the fat cells in a process called cryolipolysis. Once these cells are destroyed, your body flushes them out naturally, through the lymphatic system.

Your CoolSculpting results are gradual, and you may need a series of treatments. As the fat cells shrivel up and exit the area, your profile will steadily improve over the course of a few weeks. Each treatment session will give you a 20-25% fat reduction. As you do more treatments, those results are cumulative! 

One point we want to note about both Kybella and CoolSculpting is that once the fat cells under your chin are destroyed, they are gone for good,as your body doesn’t regenerate new ones.

If you’re tired of your turkey neck and want to learn more about Kybella and CoolSculpting, please contact our office in Scottsdale, Arizona, to set up an appointment with one of our specialists.

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